California Cracks Down on Hit and Runs

California hit and runs generally fall under two specific laws, although numerous other laws may also be broken during a hit and run. Vehicle Code 20001 covers hit and runs in California that involve injury or death. Vehicle Code 20002 involves hit and runs that include only property damage. California hit and runs are extremely serious matters and are on the rise in Los Angeles. If you or a loved one was injured in a hit and run accident, contact an experienced lawyer.
If someone was hurt in the accident and the driver flees the scene, s/he can be charged with a felony hit and run -- unless the driver can prove that s/he left the scene to get a hurt passenger or accident victim emergency medical attention. These cases are very rare, often the driver is leaving the scene to avoid getting caught or taking responsibility for their actions. This is not fair to you, the innocent victim.
Hit and Runs - Who Is At Fault?
Regardless of who caused the accident, both parties must stay at the scene of the accident. There are numerous hit and run laws in place in California. This means that if a driver thinks the accident was not their fault and speeds off, they can still be charged with a hit and run in California. Even if you think the other drive is at fault, you must stop and provide your information to the other driver. You cannot simply leave even if you don’t see any vehicle damage.
What If There is Property Damage?
If the hit and run driver hits a mailbox, fence, garage door, or any type of physical property, the driver cannot leave the scene without leaving his/her contact information. If the driver fails to leave his contact info, he could be charged with a hit and run under Vehicle Code 20002. If your home or other personal property was damaged by a hit and run driver, you may have a legal claim.
What Next?
California has cracked down on hit and run accidents. If you or a loved one has been injured in a hit and run accident that was not your fault, you should immediately seek the advice of an experienced Los Angeles hit and run lawyer. You may be entitled to financial compensation.
For more information, or for a free consultation, contact the skilled hit and run attorneys at Ghozland Law Firm today.