What Should I Do If My Child Has Sustained Injuries From a Dog Bite?

Although we do not always hear about it, there are close to 4.7 million people bitten by dogs each and every year, and as a result, insurance companies pay out hundreds of millions yearly in dog bite claims. In some cases the attacks are minor, and in other cases they are more serious or ultimately fatal. Statistics show that every American has a 1-in-50 chance of being bitten by a dog. The worst dog bite cases are those involving children. In fact, approximately 50% of the fatal dog bites involve children under the age of 10. This is because a child can often do very little to effectively defend themselves against a vicious dog attack, and their height makes the possibility of serious injury more likely.
In the state of California, dog bite liability statutes are extremely strict and the law clearly dictates that a dog bite is the absolute responsibility of the dog's owner. Even in cases where the dog has never shown any prior aggression or tendency to bite, the owner will still be held liable for the dog's actions. A dog bite victim simply needs to prove that the dog was owned by the defendant, that the bite took place on public property or while the victim was legally on private property, that the dog did in fact bite the victim and that the victim was injured as a result of the dog bite. There are, of course, defenses under the California statute, however a knowledgeable Los Angeles personal injury attorney from our firm knows what to look for in such cases, we know how to determine whether the owner was negligent, whether the dog had a history of aggression, whether the dog bite could have been prevented and more. From this we will be able to help you document your injuries, build you an effective case, and fight aggressively to pursue the best possible outcome for your case in a settlement or verdict.
Any type of serious injury sustained by a child can be physically and emotionally devastating. If you or your child has sustained injuries from a dog bite we strongly advise you contact the Ghozland Law Firm and schedule a free case evaluation today. When you do, our lawyers will not only be able to answer any questions you may have, but we will immediately begin working to help you get the compensation you deserve.