Los Angeles Uber Accidents: What Rights Do You Have as a Passenger?

Uber and Lyft are popular ride share options in Los Angeles. While both can certainly be a great transportation option, riding along isn’t without its downsides. One of those risks is being involved in a car accident. If you’re a passenger in an Uber or Lyft accident, what rights do you have?
Passengers Aren’t at Fault for Most California Uber Accidents
As a passenger, you’re most likely not at fault for the Uber accident (in some instances, the passenger can be liable). But unfortunately, this often does not matter. Many Uber and Lyft accident victims who do not retain an experienced accident attorney struggle endlessly with insurance companies to receive the compensation they deserve.
Although Uber provides a $1 million insurance policy, whether the ride sharing app company will pay your claims depend on a number of factors, including whether the Uber driver was properly logged in to the platform at the time the accident occurred. If they weren’t, then Uber may not pay out and instead refer you to the driver’s personal insurance company. Whether that insurance company pays out on the claim could depend on whether they believe the driver's policy was designed to cover such claims. Some car insurance companies may require Uber drivers to carry very specific policies. As you can see, it can become very confusing for someone not skilled in handling these types of claims to navigate.
You Have the Right to Report the Accident and Any Uber Vehicle Problems to Uber
Uber and Lyft have certain vehicle requirements for their drivers. These requirements are in place for safety reasons. For example, if your Uber ride does not have the appropriate safety equipment, such as working seat belts, you have the right to report the driver and the vehicle to Uber. Additionally, you have the right to report an Uber accident to the company. Depending on the circumstances of the accident, the driver may ask you not to report the accident. However, to protect your legal rights as a passenger, it is important that you report it. Uber may temporarily suspend the driver while the accident and its cause is investigated.
You Have the Right to Get Experienced Legal Help with Your Claim
California Uber accidents are unique because it involves a private citizen who is a contractor for a company. Although the company has an insurance policy in place to help with accidents, there are only certain times when it can be used. If you’re involved in an Uber accident, you have the right to consult with and get help from a lawyer who is experienced in handling such claims to ensure that you are treated fairly.
For a free, no obligation consultation regarding your Lyft or Uber accident claim, contact the experienced attorneys at Ghozland Law Firm today.