Is There a Statute of Limitations for California Personal Injury?

One of the most common questions about West Covina personal injury claims, including auto accidents, is whether someone who is hurt by another person's negligence has a deadline by which they must file their claim. The answer is yes. There is a statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits in California. Read on for what you need to know about the statute of limitations for filing personal injury claims in California.
Personal Injury Involving a Private Citizen
The term “private citizen" refers to an individual or a business who is not working on government time or for the government. Your neighbor, a local business owner, and a total stranger are examples of private citizens. They are non-government entities. If you have suffered a personal injury (such as injuries in an car accident) at the hands a private citizen, you generally have two years from the date of the incident to file your claim. If you attempt to file a personal injury lawsuit even one day outside of the two-year statute of limitations, your claim will not be heard by the court and you may not be able to recover financial compensation for your injuries.
Personal Injury Involving a Government Agency or on Government Property
If you are riding a city bus in West Covina when the bus driver, who is texting, gets in an accident, or if you’re hit by a driver in a government-owned vehicle, both scenarios involve a government agency and therefore, your West Covina personal injury claim will be filed against the government. It is important to note that there is a different statute of limitations in California personal injury claims involving a government agency or property -- You only have six months to file your personal injury claim. If you or a loved one were injured by a reckless city driver, contact experienced West Covina accident attorneys as soon as possible
Get the Help of a Qualified Attorney
If you or a loved one were injured in an accident caused by a reckless person or government worker, know that California law and our aggressive injury attorneys are on your side. You may be able to recover financial compensation for your injuries. For a free consultation about your potential case, contact the West Covina accident attorneys at Ghozland Law Firm today.