Injured by a Defective Product?

Defective products cause thousands of injuries every year. Given the strict rules governing everything from our cars to our baby toys to our food, this fact may surprise some people. Unfortunately, too many products that contain some type of defect are sold to Americans.
If you are injured by any type of defective product, you may be able to bring a lawsuit against the manufacturer, designer, or distributor of that product. Keep reading for a handy guide of the 3 types of defective product lawsuits an injury victim can bring...
3 different product liability claims
1. Design Defects
The first type of product liability claim is a lawsuit that claims the design of the product was defective and based on the design is inherently dangerous. This can be true even if the product is manufactured "perfectly" and made of the best-quality materials.
2. Manufacturing Defects
The most common cause of product liability claims, a manufacturing defect lawsuit alleges that the original design of the product is safe, but that something happened during the manufacturing process to make the product unsafe. A common example could be a set of tires. While the tires are designed properly and according to accepted standards, during the manufacturing process, sawdust gets into the adhesive glue that is used to secure the tire together, resulting in the tire separating, blowing out and causing a serious accident.
3. Warning or/and Labeling Defects
In a product liability claim that focuses on a warning or labeling defect, the injury victim claims that the product had some sort of inherent danger and that the manufacturer of the product had a legal duty to warn of this danger but failed to do so. This type of lawsuit is common with prescription medications; where a patient experiences adverse side effects that were not disclosed by the pharmaceutical company.
Next Steps
If you think that you may have a case against a manufacturer or distributor of a dangerous product that caused you or a loved one injuries, please contact the injury lawyers at Ghozland Law Firm today. Our experienced attorneys have experience handling defective product lawsuits and will work tirelessly on your behalf to ensure to that you receive the financial compensation your injuries deserve. Contact us today for a free, no obligation consutlation. Se habla espanol.