Got Questions After a Car Accident?

Being involved in a car accident in Los Angeles can be a stressful time. So many questions, concerns, and a lack of answers can make a person feel like their life is spinning out of control. Our experienced injury lawyers understand how you're feeling and will guide you through the process, ensuring that your legal rights and potential for financial recovery are protected.
Do I Seek Medical Attention?
It is important that you get prompt medical attention if you’re hurt in a car accident in California. This is a critical part of the process of proving you should recover monetarily your accident-related injuries. The insurance companies and the defendant will work hard to show that you do not deserve maximum compensation for your injuries, and our legal team will not stand for that. By seeing a medical professional, he will be able to determine the extent of your injuries and work with you to develop a plan for physical recovery.
Do I Contact My Insurance Company?
As soon as you can, contact your insurance company to inform them about the auto accident. The insurance adjuster may want you to provide him with the police report number and any information that you have about the other party involved. Just remember: Do not sign anything from the insurance company without first talking with one of our top Los Angeles accident attorney because you could unknowingly sign away your right to sue or not get a fair amount for your claims.
Do I Call a California Car Accident Attorney?
Yes, without question it is critical that you contact an experienced auto accident attorney to ensure that you take all necessary steps to protect yourself --legal and financially. Most insurance companies -- even yor own -- are not on your side. This means that they are looking out for their bottom line and not in the business of helping you recover maximum compensation.
It’s important that you speak with a California car accident attorney so that you can understand be ready to protect your legal rights. Car accident claims are time sensitive. Contact Ghozland Law Firm today for a free, no obligation consultation.