After a Motorcycle Accident in West Covina

With traffic on the 10 Freeway through West Covina and the San Gabriel Valley only seeming to get worse, many commuters have switched from automobiles to motorcycles. While their ride to work is probably shorter, as motorcyclists are able to engage in lane splitting and other speed-increasing techniques, it is also more dangerous. Indeed, California is second in the nation (behind Florida) for the greatest number of motorcycle deaths -- a title no state wants to have. And according to a recent report, 50% of all motorcycle deaths involved fatal crashes with another type of motor vehicle that was in transit; i.e. also driving to work.
Helmets and motorcycle accidents
California Vehicle Code Section 27803 requires all motorcycle drivers and passengers to wear a helmet when on a motorcycle, motorized bicycle or motor-driven cycle. The law also makes it illegal for a helmeted passenger to ride with a driver who is not wearing a helmet. California is one of 19 states along the District of Columbia that requires all operators of motorcycles to wear helmets that meet federal safety standards, yet not all riders wear one. This can be a grave mistake, as helmets reduce head and brain injuries and decrease the risk of dying in a crash by 37%. A study involving motorcycle accidents taking place over a recent 10-year period found that helmets saved the lives of more than 7,400 people, but sadly 6,300 people died because they chose not to wear a helmet.
Motorcycle accident stats
Hopefully, we all now understand the importance -- and legal requirement -- of wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle in California. But unfortunately, even wearing a helmet does not protect a rider or passenger from serious injury, or even death. And the majority of riders killed in motorcycle accidents were male — more than 90% of the 2014 fatalities, per a recent study. What's more, the 20-29 age group had the highest share of deaths, representing almost 25% of the total, though the 50-59 set was not far behind. No matter your age or gender, if you were injured in a motorcycle accident in West Covina, contact an experienced attorney about your legal rights.
What next
If you or a loved one were injured in a motorcycle accident caused by someone else's negligence, know that California law is on your side. For a free, no obligation consultation, contact the experienced West Covina motorcycle accident lawyers at Ghozland Law Firm today.